Promote interaction among intellectuals and social workers concerned with the upliftment of the people of Odisha.
Organize meetings, seminars, workshops and conferences to facilitate such interaction
Undertake research projects relating to Odisha.
Involve social scientist, technical persons, administrators, social workers and all thinking individuals at different places to examine the development needs and potentialities of their own localitires and to prepare appropriate plans for development.
Undertake projects relating to Adivasis, Dalits, Women, Children, the aged, the Disabled and the poor especially in the areas of rural reconstruction, urban development, environment, public health, appropriate technology and human rights.
Study disasters such as drought, floods, cyclones, epidemics and earthquakes, assess relief systems, conduct disaster management programmes and devise long term measures to cope with them.
Study cultural legacies of various social groups and promote understanding among people.
Undertake comparative and international studies on developmental issues.
Organize inventory of resources, information networks, and documentation programmes.
Initate and promote dissemination of knowledge through publications of books and periodicals, popular literature, folk culture arts and modern audiovisual media and develop innovative means of communication to facilitate social change.